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The other Oscars

Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:36 pm

Roses are red,
Violets are glorious,
Don't try to surprise
Oscar Pistorius.
New evidence has been found outside the Pistorious home that could completely acquit him of his girlfriend's murder.

Oscar Pistorius. Just because he has no legs doesn't mean he's unarmed.
I guess Oscar Pistorius just got cold feet about the relationship
She didn't notice Oscar sneaking up behind her. It was the silence of the limbs.
When Oscar Pistorius said he wanted to be just like able bodied athletes, who would have thought he meant OJ Simpson?
What did Oscar Pistorius get for Valentine's day?... 20 years.

It must have been dark when Oscar Pitorius shot his girlfriend. He said he could not see two feet in front of him
And the Oscar goes to .......(drumroll)...... JAIL

Oscar Pistorius 'shoots girlfriend' This is the sort of behaviour from celebrities that we need to stump out.
Just like every other intruder in South Africa , Reeva Steenkamp was blonde, white and beautiful. It's an easy mistake.
Well, at least someone’s Valentine started off with a bang !!

Oscar will be pleading diminished responsibility. He was intoxicated & legless

Re: The other Oscars

Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:39 am

It's a shame when your sporting heroes fall. It's an even bigger shame that some one who has made themselves a role model and ambassador for such a terrific cause ends up being the nothing more than a punchline. Isn't it bad enough that he's probably going to be punished for this the rest of his life as it is. Sponsors have already fallen out of sight, he is suddenly and steadily loosing his fan base, and I heard that legally, he hasn't got a leg to stand on.


Re: The other Oscars

Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:40 am

:lol: :lol:

Re: The other Oscars

Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:03 pm

Oscar wanted a new door for the bathroom but his girlfriend was dead against it

Re: The other Oscars

Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:42 pm

I heard I he couldn't foot the bill - so shot through

Re: The other Oscars

Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:20 pm

I don't see what all the fuss is about. He's not the first guy to wake up leg less on Valentines day and shoot a load into his girlfriends face while he was thinking she was someone else.
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