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re: Vortex 98

Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:32 pm

The only two i use are BP Ultimate and Synergy 8000.

seem to be the best so far.

Re: re: Vortex 98

Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:13 pm

mfzx6r wrote:Dan
I have put ULP in mine when they had no Prem ULP so mixed it with what was in the tank.

ok... will shed some light on this subject for those interested. As you might be aware, Motorcycles run very high compression ratio. The normal cycle of the engine is the fuel/air mix be ignited at the ignition stroke. What happens when you run a lower octane level fuel, is it has a lower temperature and compression tolorance and causes the fuel to self ignite (commonly known as pinging) and can destroy engines, esp pistions. By running the higher octane as recommended, this problem is avoided. Its not so much for extra performance than it is to keep the engine from self destructing.

As for Vortex 98, there are no cleaning agents like in optimax that cause the issues with motorcycle engines. It isnt the fuel as such, i believe its the cleaning agent in optimax that causes trouble.

Kieran (10R)

re: Vortex 98

Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:59 am

I ran the local vortex religously in the 250 without a problem,I belive there was a issue with the optimax if your injection system doesnt contain a oxygen senser and i was also told it will eat out alloy over time in much the same way as ethonol.

re: Vortex 98

Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:56 pm

You just need to rejet for Optimax!! I ran Optimax in my ZX2C without jetting & it ran abit rough, but after leaning out the mains it ran fine, maybe a little off down low but was too lazy to lean out the pilot jets.

My 636 runs fine on Optimax with Ti Akra & std map PCIIIusb.
Just yesterday loaded Internet Power Commander Micron slip on map into PCIII & will see if it runs fine on Optimax with that!!
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