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Suspension Setup

Mon May 31, 2004 9:47 am

I've been playing with the setup of the new second hand rear shock and thought I had it pretty good for general riding around. That was until I got into some nice tight twisty bits and had two little slides and a bigger one that was almost a high side. Now I don't mind the rear moving around a little bit but this was getting a bit scary. I only want to make small changes now as everything else feels OK, so what would need adjusting to get a bit more traction back at the rear?

The rear tyre is a Pirelli Diablo that is getting a bit worn but it was definitely warm enough by this stage.

re: Suspension Setup

Mon May 31, 2004 10:57 am

my 1st question is...is the shock ok?
reason for the question is....
from your comments, it sounds like the shock is playing up...
you set it for general riding and the 1st time, you ask a bit extra
of it, it just about throws you off...not nice....
it sounds like the shock has trouble compressing (too hard)...2 slides...
and when it does, its rebound is too strong...the highside...
and you set it up for general riding....
more info mate


re: Suspension Setup

Mon May 31, 2004 11:09 am

Difficult to say, but if you have the preload set to sag about 25 - 30mm with you sitting on it, that should be fine. The compression and rebound really have to be adjusted and set to suit.
Steve Brouggy has joined the Trakdaze group and is helping out with suspension set ups on there, you may want to send him a question or check the other info on there. http://groups.msn.com/TRAKDAZE

He's written some articles for bikepoint
http://bikepoint.ninemsn.com.au/portal/ ... fault.aspx

re: Suspension Setup

Mon May 31, 2004 11:12 am

Well I am making a bit of an assumption that the shock is OK, but it may be worth getting it checked out. It does seem to respond to adjustments. At least I still have the original to chuck back in while it's out.

It's possible that I have the compression set too hard if that's what causes the slides...I actually think that the rebound setting is probably what saved me from a highside...I can't claim that it was rider skill :wink:

re: Suspension Setup

Mon May 31, 2004 11:15 am

Thanks for the links Dave, I will have to check them out. I wish I could have gotten up to Sydney for the setup session that you organised with him...I guess I'll just have to do it the hard way :wink:

Re: re: Suspension Setup

Mon May 31, 2004 11:27 am

MadKaw wrote:Steve Brouggy has joined the Trakdaze group and is helping out with suspension set ups on there, you may want to send him a question or check the other info on there. http://groups.msn.com/TRAKDAZE

He's written some articles for bikepoint
http://bikepoint.ninemsn.com.au/portal/ ... fault.aspx

now thats a bit of a coup....Mr Brouggy (Aust Superbike School wiz)
with Trackdaze.....
nice one.... Dave


re: Suspension Setup

Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:22 pm

mick (zx9r)
going on the photo you posted of the WP shock in your bike, it looked like the preload was wound in a fair bit, making it stiff - for it to slide, as ian said, maybe you need to wind out the preload a couple turns and back the compression screw out half a turn... or maybe im wrong about how the preload is on your bike.,.

re: Suspension Setup

Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:53 am

You're probably right Dave. We put a fair bit of preload on to reduce the sag, then I had a bit too much compression as well. I've got a bit better idea of which direction I need to head now at least :D
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