ZXR front end conversion

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ZXR front end conversion

Postby JimZXR » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:51 pm

Since selling the track bike I've been staring at the collection of parts that once formed almost a complete ZXR750L2.

With limited funds and questionable know how I am determined to get it back on the road in some form or another.

My current question is around front end conversions and the who's, buts, if's, why's and etc!

I have spotted a 2010 ZX6R full front end and am considering purchasing it with the idea of mating it to my ZXR but would like some guidance from the forum first on if its possible and how big a can of worms I'm opening!

Any advice, experience, thoughts or direction would be appreciated but please remember this is on a limited budget!
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Re: ZXR front end conversion

Postby Yngve » Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:00 am

I have put a ZX6R 2010 front en on a ZX9RF frame.
I had to modify the stering stem but other than dat it was easy peasy.
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