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ZX6RR 2003 timing and spark leads

Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:25 am

Hi, over the past few days I have redone the valve spacings on my bike - next time I am definitley taking it to a mechanic!

I have done this job before no hassles but this time despite having all the timing marks lined up, it wont run; I did crank it over a couple of times manually prior to reassmeble and it seemed ok - I have the plugs in so it was tight but I could rotate it.

On trying to start it it was a bit noisy but now the noise isn't there but it wont start. A couple of questions:

- is is actually possible that i have done valve damage considering the timing marks were lined up? this is the only thing I can think the noise may have been
- would I have been able to wind it over by hand if there was interferance?
- the only thing I can think I may have done wrong is when I reinstalled the plug wiring it seemed to fit the opposite way to how I remembered (I know, I should have marked it); what would happen if i have put it on the reverse? I think this is unlikely as some of the wired would be a bit tight but it is a possibility

ANy assistance would be greatly appreciated!


Re: ZX6RR 2003 timing and spark leads

Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:43 pm

And has anyone ever used a timing light on a motorbike? I was thinking this will let me tell if Cyclinder one is fitring correctly and thereby tell me if I have some how reversed the leads around?

Re: ZX6RR 2003 timing and spark leads

Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:15 am

Wow, what a response! well problem sorted. everything was in place but timing was one tooth out - on a car this would have started but ran like a goat but apparently not a bike
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