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Airbox bling

Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:29 pm


Don't really know if it made my scoot any faster, but these Factory Pro inlet trumpets made it sound even sexier when you're up it. :kuda:

Re: Airbox bling

Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:41 am

Nice.. According to Factory pro, they don't add much HP but they do look cool..
Where'd you get em.?

Re: Airbox bling

Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:58 pm

Got them from a US supplier on fleabay, can't recall who exactly. The upside of having a bike that starting to get older is that cheap parts closeouts turn up from time to time. Cost me a broken finger to install them though. I had to hit them into the mounting boots with a rubber mallet and caught my finger doing the last one. Got it x-rayed the next day and had split the bone at the tip of my ring finger. :cry:

Re: Airbox bling

Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:42 am

I had a set of these factory pro stacks on my old busa, they are supposed to give beter throttle response in mid range rpm, even if they don't they sure sound great!!! :kuda:
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