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bedding in leathers

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:42 pm

i've bought a 2-piece new suit off Ebay (went to his house to try them on when i was in Melb) and all is going goodly so far :) apart from one day my testicles would actually like to meet each other when i wear them!!! :oops:

so just wondering if anyone has any hints and tips on bedding in a new set of leathers - i've been wearing them inside the house (lol got 'em on now) to help stretch (getting better), but any extra advice would be apreciated!! (especially from "the boys" lol)

seem to remember hearing having a shower and leaving them on for a bit helps too.......
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Re: bedding in leathers

Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:38 pm

gav wrote:i've bought a 2-piece new suit off Ebay (went to his house to try them on when i was in Melb) and all is going goodly so far :) apart from one day my testicles would actually like to meet each other when i wear them!!! :oops:

that says to me the leathers might just be a bit short...cutting you up like that

so just wondering if anyone has any hints and tips on bedding in a new set of leathers - i've been wearing them inside the house (lol got 'em on now) to help stretch (getting better), but any extra advice would be apreciated!! (especially from "the boys" lol)

thats what i did with mine
watched the Teev, ate pizza, drank beer, watched the Teev
in my leathers
and then practised getting out of them..to have a leak :twisted:

seem to remember hearing having a shower and leaving them on for a bit helps too.......

NO and NO
getting em really wet means....
the dye might run
you weaken where the stitching is
you weaken the zips' backing fabric

and as for getting out of sodden leathers
its a PITA....
and they will take at least a week to dry
(DO NOT use heat to speed drying process)



re: bedding in leathers

Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:50 pm

hehehe they aren't really that tight, but still relatively restricting...thanks for the re: shower tip - thats what i was thinking, but when i was in reserves we had to wear out leather GP boots in a bucket of water for 2 hours and then walk 6 kms to mould and bed them in - so the idea was partially feasible

re: bedding in leathers

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:32 am

Gav, sounds to me like your new leathers are a size too small. They will give a little, but even when new they shouldn't be as constrictive as you make them sound.

If they are a little tight in spots, take them to Walden Miller and get them to put some stretch panels in for you. The altercations wont cost much and should make things a lot more enjoyable for you.

Oh, and you certainly wont get them to "bed in" overnight! :lol:

Re: re: bedding in leathers

Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:41 am

gav wrote:hehehe they aren't really that tight, but still relatively restricting...thanks for the re: shower tip - thats what i was thinking, but when i was in reserves we had to wear out leather GP boots in a bucket of water for 2 hours and then walk 6 kms to mould and bed them in - so the idea was partially feasible

thats a bit different tho, the ol gp's are made to get wet, that why you use 4 tonnes of polish on them.

re: bedding in leathers

Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:51 pm

for the testies use a box.... u know the think u wear while playing cricket

re: bedding in leathers

Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:10 am

Could try zorbello and then go and do a basic yoga class in them :shock: :shock:

Re: re: bedding in leathers

Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:21 am

aardvark wrote:If they are a little tight in spots, take them to Walden Miller and get them to put some stretch panels in for you. The altercations wont cost much and should make things a lot more enjoyable for you.

i'm not taking them there then :wink: :lol:

re: bedding in leathers

Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:49 pm

That's what happens when you reply to messages at 6 in the morning after walking in the door from a night of night shift.

Re: re: bedding in leathers

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:06 pm

aardvark wrote:That's what happens when you reply to messages at 6 in the morning after walking in the door from a night of night shift.

so its true that working shiftwork is the equivalent of 6 beers.....

re: bedding in leathers

Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:28 pm

Only 6? The drive home is always interesting.
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