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Ram mount Aqua Box

Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:46 pm

Rather than pay the ridiculous price they want for a motorbike GPS I got an aqua box from ram mount and put the car one in it.
http://www.ram-mount.com/CatalogResults ... fault.aspx
Cut out some foam to hold the GPS, drilled a hole for the power cable and we're away. Haven't had it out in heavy rain yet but
I'm quietly confident.
Box comes in a few sizes.
There's an Australian distributor and his prices are good.

Re: Ram mount Aqua Box

Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:32 am

Johnny Appleseed at St kilda stock it too. I have had one for a few years now, as my phones have all had proper GPS's in them. They work great and mine never leaked or came loose. It was mounted on the beemer, now it's on the Rex. When you have the mount removed, the little ball is barely noticeable on the bars. And you can buy different sized boxes which use the same mounts if you ever change GPS.

Re: Ram mount Aqua Box

Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:21 am

I've got two of them, one for navigator and one for a ipod/phone. Agree, they are great.
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