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Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:36 pm
by Jonno
Thought I would share this.

A few weeks ago I squided and paid the price (I am fine).
It was front end lowsided on some gravel at a guess 60kmph? on the Brindabella with all gear except I had jeans and runners. If I had known we would end up out there when we left I would have put draggins on, initially it was a short commute to a Queanbeyan bike shop and back but the sun came out and you know what happens then.

I wasnt going hard or that fast as ya do wearing gear like that, just unfortunate to find gravel after apexing a blind left corner whilst I was looking into the next right following Gos. I ended up on my left side and on my side of the white line, the bike made it all the way to the opposite gravel edge then dumped its oil through the stator cover but fortunately off the tarmac.

First acco ever on a road bike, and yeah it had to happen one day.

I received more of a friction burn on my left calf than any rash through my Levi 504's and slid for about 2-3 seconds and had a few body aches the next day. Jeans ended up with a minor tear and my left runner was scuffed, my cheap RJ textile jacket worked a treat and was torn up a little, summer gloves worked and my watch band probably saved minor abrassions to my wrist.
The bike is scratched up but easily fixed. My leg wound is a burn and is being treated as such and healing well, yes it hurts like a burn all the time and I am not complaining being self inflicted.

Yes, Jeans do last longer than 0.2 seconds (that went through my mind as the bike dropped suddenly).
I suppose it depends on the circumstances and dynamics of how you hit the road, draggins I probably would have sustained a mild friction burn but no skin loss, so all in all I was unlucky to find the gravel, lucky Gos was there to assist, and lucky it wasnt more serious.

The usual questioning of oneself's ability happened and had a small effect on me in the Adelaide hills a few days later, then at the Winton track/ride day recently I wasn't as confident as I could be and it hurt like hell under the leathers, whilst there were only a few left handers I baulked at patches, tar snakes, and perceived wet spots on the track surface and was careful in general.

Would I wear jeans/runners on a bike again, yessir, it is my right to do so and cant see why not depending on conditions.
Would I say to new riders to wear all the gear all the time? Yessir all of the time.

What I would say in general it is your choice, you may have to deal with the consequences, I ride to the conditions and what happened was a freak occurrence and although it could happen again that's my risk. I have had far worse injuries from pushies, trucks, dirtbikes, and industrial accidents.

Oh, Amazing things magically happen in the 4th. :kuda:

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 2:43 pm
by tim
Glad you're fine mate!

Which bike Jonno?

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:05 pm
by ijuschill
Glad to hear you're OK Jonno, yeah which bike?

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:19 pm
by marksesh
Lucky jonno, at least you wernt wearing shorts and thongs like some of the morons.
I allways wear protective as I havent been riding as long as most on here. 9 years in total, Nor am I as competant. Agree with the above all the way.
glad your ok.

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:30 pm
by Jonno
Was the 10R, cheaper to fix myself than claim it.

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:16 pm
by z900/zx9
Bad luck dude,when i had an off on chum creek road 4years ago yep things got into my head for a while around blind corners.They soon went away and i still love to do that road ,in saying that i have probably dropped 10 percent of the pace that i go on the road which is probably not a bad thing.Mind you Kazz doesnt believe me ;) In regards to gear i never wear any other jeans except my moto legions,boots,gloves and jacket even if i am going down the road for a 10 minute trip,horses for courses :D

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:22 pm
by h.b.bear
Good to see everythings ok 8) did you get photos Gos :lol:

Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:27 pm
by Glen
Pisser mate. Glad to hear you're ok

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:28 pm
by Disco
Glen wrote:Pisser mate. Glad to hear you're ok

LIKE :kuda:

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:54 pm
by timmyrocks
sorry to hear about the off, glad your also ok, with the injuries being minor..
not the 10! :cry:

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:59 pm
by dutchy
Glad to hear your all good. Sad for the 10. Pics of the damage?

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:05 pm
by seiko1
Removed due to acquaintance status

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:08 pm
by seiko1
Removed due to acquaintance status

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:10 pm
by dutchy
seiko1 wrote:
Jonno wrote:Yes, Jeans do last longer than 0.2 seconds (that went through my mind as the bike dropped suddenly).

The last thing on my mind as MY BIKE hit's the ground is my friggin jeans ;) :lol:

Go easy. The first thing I thought of was "oh shit, my new helmet". But then again, I wasn't riding a ZX10R :lol:

Re: Jeans do last longer than 1 second down the road!

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 6:11 pm
by Jonno
dutchy wrote:Glad to hear your all good. Sad for the 10. Pics of the damage?

I am sure my leg would put you off your dinner