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re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:59 am

Well I think that was more than 2 cents...but my two cents and ten cents are for free...I am girl and I am fussy and if I want my bike to ride smooth I expect it to damn well ride smooth!!! :P if you go spend money on something that is meant to last you for another five or so years dont you want it to be comfortable?? Perhaps I should just stay in bed...

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:06 am

The suspension is bad, I don't see how it's the wrong type of bike for us just because the suspension is a little hard, in that case it's not the right bike for anyone. I agree with Munkee, sure we are a lighter lighter and shorter than the average rider but that's not gonna stop us riding the bike we want to. Just trying to make the ride a little more comfy!

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:51 am

It doesnt matter if your a light weight either and by the way people are getting spat off them they should have come with race tyres on them as well.
I weigh 100 kg and i can back off the preload and adjust it a bit but its still pretty hard,in stock form there is no travel to speak of and all the cornering forces are transmitted directly into the tyre or the rider or both but the spring sure as hell isnt doing anything.

I spoke to the race tech guy up the coast (mpe at beerwah)and he said he could modify the shockie and revalve the forks at a reasonable rate(ring him) but without a total respring its always going to be hard I think.

I tried winding the front preload right out (no preload)and its still firmish so maybe the racetech guy will give me some softer compression dampening to play with.

my plan was to try to get it so it tipped in easier and wasnt so harsh,so get the front right first,then the back and then see what tyre profiles are available as thes can make a diference or drop it through the triple clamps a bit which will make it tippy into corners but can lead to straight line stability problems.

Good luck girls :D

I havent tried the sheep hollow seat bad yet either this might act as a bit of a cushion but i know height is a issue for you.

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:14 pm

hmmm some goopoints made by a few ppl..
i dropped my forks thru the trees 6mm & it handles like a whole different pig. turns in heaps easier...doesnt hold a line as well, not as stable at speed, doesnt launch in 2nd as easy, but does change direction a lot easier...
also a tip for u light weights (im only 76kg, as opposed to sum of the fat pricks out there on bikes :P )....drop ur tyre pressure a little....
my bike recomends 36psi front, 42 rear..i run abt 34 & 40...cos i dont have as much weight, it wont hurt ur tyres, and gives u more contact on the road...
at the track i drop it to like 26/30psi..its wot ya do.
also u may consider fork internals...i kno Frank Pons/Terry Hay r the best in nsw, my mate had his vtr (known for handling like a big fat heavy pig) done for $600, reckons its the best money he ever spent...mine was done b4 i got it...
winding ur pre load right down & dropping forks WILL change the geo of the bike & make it handle differently,so id not recomend it as a quick fix.
If the farker is too hard at softest settings id suggest the re valve or even a transplant, but i kno the 99 zx6r handled a farkin treat with my then skinny ass 63kg aboard...
maybe matty is right?? maybe u chicks just cant handle the power of a 600cc and u should buy vespa's or sumthin ?? :P (runs to hide).hahaha
u kno u wanted to say it matty, ur just too diplomatic..
neway gotta run..neighbours is on...wonder if them 2 leso hot chicks will kiss again??

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:21 pm

bahh I havent touched my suspension, it crunches my nuts sure but she goes alright!! definitely not the fastest in the pack but she still floats my boat the ol 6R

If you must mess with the suspension ( I wouldnt as I have NFI ) go to a pro cause from what I am reading you guys are still having problems!!

Hope all works out. :)
Last edited by KLR on Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:07 pm

Hang on guys, I wasn't having a go at you guys as riders in any way.
I have no doubt that the current 6r's are hard as hell on the rode. Comes with the territory I'm afraid. A friend of mine has a new GT3 for onver $200k. This thing rides like a pilke of shit. A $200 kingswood is more comfortable.

I do feel for you guys on the modern sporties, but remember its all about compromise. Good luck! 8)

Re: re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:46 pm

mattyv74 wrote:Hang on guys, I wasn't having a go at you guys as riders in any way.

neither was i....i was havin a go at em for being female and far inferior...they shouldnt b out riding, they should b in the kitchen cooking me some eggs...now where did i put that nut guard/? cricket bag here sumwhere?? :?
oh and dont tell laney i said that :P

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:50 pm

Thats why i bought the "tiggr" instead of a zx10r.
Damn comfy with a touch of scariness. Happy Camperage aplenty here.
Cheers Brett

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:22 am

Anybody else got some settings we can try, as i said i went all the way soft with mine but i am not used to setting up these type of forks,I am used to the old school shim them up with whatever you can find and adjust the airgap type forks and if it dont steer quick enough lift the rear up a bit of course if i try that i will need a stepladder with this bike.
I still havent got 1000kms on it yet so theres still plenty of fiddling to do.

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:15 am

Bob go visit Alex at Lae Racing 5/360 Newman Rd, Geebung 38656122
n Get a lambswool From Ausssie Seatcovers in Darra 0422 835649 Michael (i think) hes in Darra & will fit it while you wait on appointment tell him Brett from the Kawasaki forum sent you should cost about $80 for the riders seat.
Barring that i reckon your up for springs shock work.
Cheers Brett

Re: re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:19 am

Pontikat wrote:n Get a lambswool From Ausssie Seatcovers .
Cheers Brett

Wool Seat cover on a real sports bike ?? I realy am shattered ! :cry: :cry: :cry:


re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:19 pm

Hmmm wool skin on a sports bike...How on earth am I meant to stick Mr Buzzy on if theres a sheep cover in the way???...Would you like half a dozen bacon rashers and a couple hash browns with your eggs Neka??
I heard coconut shells make good nut guards too...

Now for some reason today...after rolling off the screws for the rear compression and rear rebound (both about quarter turn)...which were fully on soft, today the beast ran a little less bumpy - perhaps I have grown callouses on my...

re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:47 pm

:lol: Munkee

Re: re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:57 pm

MunkeeGrlZX6R wrote:Hmmm wool skin on a sports bike...How on earth am I meant to stick Mr Buzzy on if theres a sheep cover in the way???...Would you like half a dozen bacon rashers and a couple hash browns with your eggs Neka??
I heard coconut shells make good nut guards too...

Now for some reason today...after rolling off the screws for the rear compression and rear rebound (both about quarter turn)...which were fully on soft, today the beast ran a little less bumpy - perhaps I have grown callouses on my...

Should I ask who MrBuzzy is ??? :roll: :oops:


re: 03/04 Suspension Setup

Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:01 pm

wool seat cover i have under the house cost $25 at brendale and its real good in summer no burning sensation on the butt cheeks if the bikes been parked for 20 minutes in the sun.

You get used to the ride after a while I am just trying to do something about it.

Already paid alex a visit as well I think its just how they are.
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