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Re: re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:39 pm

Mick C 98ZX9R wrote:Fuel gauge? What's that?

A luxury :lol:

Re: re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Wed Oct 06, 2004 4:04 pm

Colettezzr600 wrote:The fuel gauge isn't always 100% accurate I have found, especially as the fuel gets towards the bottom of the tank. It'd be good if it had one of those low fuel warning lights like my car has!

That's what the reserve switch is for isn't it? :)
They're usually linked to the same sensor as the guage anyway, so if one isn't accurate, neither is the other...

What sort of inaccuracies have you seen? I know mine is very non-linear... I get about 250k's out of the first third, and about 40k's out of the rest...

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Wed Oct 06, 2004 4:19 pm

I get complaints every day that they are being ripped off fuel and that their fuel gauges are acurate, I suggest in most cases the guages are NOT....

Never trust a fuel gauge and NEVER trust the Specs in ya handbook, they are just safe working loads. TRUST your instinks......... tho I have also got to argue the point with those whose instinks are very arguable....ROFL

The moral of the story is ........... TRUST ME hahahaha

Re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:16 pm

Russell wrote:Today I ran the bike to the bottom of the red on the fuel guage ...

arnt u lucky u have a fuel guage

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:44 am

my fuel indicator gets way close to 'empty' when i have about 1/4 a tank left, if not MORE. but i've been far far too chicken to run it until i get to the fuel warning light.

i may have to do running around for a while down towards kangaroo valley and see how long it takes. :-)

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:12 am

Going back a few years I ran my ZZR600 completely dry on purpose to work out how far I could go after hitting reserve, and before I needed to push. Answer: 77 k's
It took just under 18 litres to fill back up ... 17.7l IIRC.

The ZZR600 was surprisingly fuel-efficient. Not much worse than the GPX250 I traded up from - and heaps better than either my 95 ZX6R or 2000 ZX6R. Only the Suzukis SV650S I had could match the ZZR for fuel efficiency and that was just 165 kilo's and 70BHP.

Go the ZZR!!!

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:46 am

:) Generally no matter how hard or slow i go i always get to 230+km b4 hitting reserve on me '93E1 (40K km), i did have a slow cruise (speed limit) up to Warwick last month and got 265km before reserve. The furtherest i've gone all up on one tank (inc reserve is 328km) on a trip back from the Bunya's, luckily most of it was downhill :lol: .

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:47 am

Thanks for that info... :)
Sounds like ty was about 0.2L away from empty that time...


re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:37 pm

haha fuel guages,reserve taps,200km+...damn i wish i rode a tourer...
ahh thats right, im a real biker...think of the excercise u get pushing it to the servo anyway!!
i get this lil light to say "feed me ya bastard or im not playin no more" which i think the most i ever pushed fopr was abt 40km & i still had a litre or so to go..

Re: re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:20 pm

neka79 wrote:ahh thats right, im a real biker...think of the excercise u get pushing it to the servo anyway!!

maybe i should push the bike more often.

ran out of fuel a few times thank god for the reserve tap.

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:19 am

i dont have reserve tap
just that red light that flashes at me saying hurry up i need go juice

re: ZZR600 people - anyone ever run to empty?

Sat Oct 09, 2004 11:07 am

reserve taps, fuel gauges?
trust them? maybe?
i just tend to see how far i can get on the 6r until she needs reserve just so i'm aware how far i can get before switching over :)
and familiarize myself with where the tap is so when i'm riding i can switch over while moving :D (not much fun when she goes dry and you have to stand on the side of the road trying to get fuel to the carbies after they've gone dry :shock: )
on average i tend to top up at 220/230km before i hit reserve :wink: better safe than sorry :wink:
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