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1984 GPZ1100/A2

Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:22 pm

Hi there,
Wanted is a complete workshop manual and wiring diagram for A 1984 GPZ1100/ZX1100 A2 DFI model.
Have a few electrical problems to sort out. Bike has full battery power but under load it drains the battery and now wont start even with a charged battery not suree what is going on. Please help.

Re: 1984 GPZ1100/A2

Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:03 am

Have you established if there is any current drain when the bike is switched off? i.e. disconnect the negative terminal from the battery and put a multimeter in ammmeter mode in between and see if there is any draw. If there is i'd check the rectifier setup. If it's draining while running with no battery leak i would look into the alternator coils (check them one loop at a time & also check for resistance between coils)

Re: 1984 GPZ1100/A2

Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:57 pm

I can scan and email the wiring dia. for a GPZ1100 B2 if that would help...?

Re: 1984 GPZ1100/A2

Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:41 am

or you could look at this...

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/KAWASAKI-KZ1 ... 5d2fa9a377

Re: 1984 GPZ1100/A2

Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:44 pm

i have a genuine kawasaki manual for this if you want me to scan the wiring for you

Re: 1984 GPZ1100/A2

Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:53 pm

need some more description of what is happening mate, to help you out. I have an A1 model that has caused me some recent dramas but these have been almost all sorted now - it was having problems starting, turned out to be a dud IC Igniter box.

Can you hear the fuel pump kick in when you have Ignition 'on' and the move the kill switch to 'run' ? Are the fuel pump relays clicking over OK ? How about plugs - get some new ones.

Are you getting any fault codes from the ECU ? There is a small green LED at the front of the ECU, if there are any faults within the DFI it will signal the fault with long and short flashes of the LED. I have the supplementary manual here with the fault codes in it, have a look at the ECU and let me know what the flash sequence is ( ie - 2 short and 1 long etc)

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