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1983 GPZ750

Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:31 pm

Well this is my new old bike!


Yes, one side of the swingarm is still red!. I think I'll be losing the lower fairing, painting the exhaust headers black, and eventually getting a more Kawasaki oriented paint job. And of course, sorting out that red paint on the swingarm. And an all over deep clean!

It's got 91000km on it, and it sounds like it too. Its got a bit of noise on the left hand side, but we'll see if that improves once i've got the carbs balanced. There's not much left of the clutch either, but that can get fixed in due course too. For now, it goes, it stops and it turns! It's got a new rwc and it's rego'd until next Feb!

I'm not going to be riding it for a while due to some surgery which has become necessary at very short notice, but at least my garage smells like a proper garage again! :-)

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:29 pm

Saw that one on ebay and the first thing that made me spew was that paint work on the bottom ferin :lol: They are a great bike i i dont think you'll be disapointed running around on it.good luck :kuda:

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:58 pm

Nice ! that looks like a chrome front guard ? If you want to sell it when you replace it with a stock GPz guard - let me know ;)

Carbie balance will go a long way to quiet things down.


Re: 1983 GPZ750

Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:03 pm

Not a chrome guard, silver paint to match the ugly lower fairing! Will be getting rid of that soon.

1983 GPZ750

Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:53 pm

I just got wood.

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:55 am

UncleChopChop wrote:I just got wood.

Too much info! :-)

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:53 pm

They are a great bike to ride, so smooth and comfortable, they don't make sports bike like that anymore, comfort wise at least.
I rode mine to the VJMC meet at Shell Harbour eairler this year, a little sketchy on bumpy corners so when I got back I fitted a fork brace, haven't really had the chance to "proper" test it yet though.



Re: 1983 GPZ750

Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:31 pm

That looks fantastic! What sort of money did that resto set you back, if you don't mind me asking?

However it looks like i'll be putting mine up for sale imminently. My medical woes are just getting in the way of anything to do with bikes at the moment and I have lost any motivation I had to tart the bike up a bit. Plus, it looks like the coil for cyl's 2 & 3 has packed in, so i'll need to find a new one first.

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:43 pm

Oh well, its been neglected for the best part of a year while my health gets slowly better. Finally got some energy to do some odd jobs. 20 years of grime started to be cleaned off, 10 more years worth still to go! New ignition coils ordered. General all-over check and a Carb balance to do. A few small odd jobs and then i might actually get to ride her!

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:45 am

Carbs now off and in bits on my bench. They didn't look as bad inside as I thought they might. Only one clogged float bowl on number 3 carb, and most of the other jets will benefit from a clean. Will get them cleaned up this week and put back together. Tidied up some other general electrical bodges that became evident once the tank and bodywork came off. New coils arrived from the UK, and strangely I now have a spark from the originals! I'll fit the new ones anyway.

Looking forward to getting this old girl on the road again.

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:44 pm

Good to see you getting motivated :kuda:

rebuilding a bike is about the pleasure you get along the way and not just the end result, although you gotta love a happy ending ;)

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:57 pm

Carbs back together, it's just too bloomin hot in the garage to do much at the moment. Roll on Winter! :-) Hopefully will get the carbs back in this weekend.

Got quite a bit of sanding to do on the downpipes prior to painting, then thinking about options for tidying up the bodywork paintwork..... Plastidip maybe.

Can't be arsed doing a proper engine-out paint job on the engine at the moment, that will have to wait for another time. Maybe just scrub the flaky fins and give 'em a quick blast with a spray paint can.

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:13 pm

best stuff for engine paint is pj-1 satin and for covers pj -1 gloss,can be purchased from z1 spares

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:31 pm

Nice one, cheers!

Carbs back in, and she's running nicely now! Will check carb balance before the bodywork goes back on.

Re: 1983 GPZ750

Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:57 am

Back on the road again! :-)

New plugs, new coils, Carbs balanced perfectly, starts first time every time, exhaust headers now painted black instead of flaky rust, already fed up trying to keep the white wheels white! (my fault, I overdid the chain lube) :-)
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