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Westgate Drifter

Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:15 pm

Hi Guys,

Riding north on James Ruse Drive TOWARDS the fixed speed cameras, I wonder what would happen if I exceeded the speed limit? Me 1; Authorities zero? Maybe not.

Remember the media focus on the hot rotaries and Nissan 200SX's etc doing burnouts outside the hamburger joints on Saturday nights? At the time, the cops had a hard time pulling these guys into gear to get them to behave with a bit more discretion. And now we have the draconian loss of traction laws and vehicle confiscation.

If we exceed the speed limit heading towards speed cameras, the authorities are likely to demand forward facing rego plates on bikes because they don't like us flouting their authority. If you going to flout authority, don't let them know that you're doing it. Seen this video?


Re: Westgate Drifter

Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:54 pm

You go girl............. :?

Re: Westgate Drifter

Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:26 am

Yeah and a similar thing happened after the authorities realised brain dead drop-kicks were racing through the Harbour Tunnel at 200kmh. They installed speed cameras. So now we half sensible bikies risk tickets if our concentration lapses and we're 10kmh over the limit. We pay a price for those who are heroes in their own lunchtime ;-)

Glen - you ride a ZRX and you live in Kellyville? We may have met. I chatted to a ZRX rider at the Kellyville Caltex some time ago. My ZRX is a 2006 model with black stripes on the tank.


Re: Westgate Drifter

Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:39 pm

forward facing plates? - doubt they need them anymore - so many CCTV cameras around to catch your rear plate - simply bring in an expert to match the 2 pictures and bingo - license shredded!!

Re: Westgate Drifter

Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:08 pm

pah wrote:Yeah and a similar thing happened after the authorities realised brain dead drop-kicks were racing through the Harbour Tunnel at 200kmh.

On that scale I'd say there must be plenty of brain dead drop-kicks around here PAH. Don't you feel even slightly conflicted being disappointed with racer boys ripping up a two lane, one-way, perfectly straight, freshly laid tunnel under the most famous harbour in the world, in the middle of the night, when you choose to ride around on a death trap motorbike that can go from 0-100 in around 3 seconds and power up wheelies in 2nd? :P 8)

Re: Westgate Drifter

Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:14 am

tim wrote:
pah wrote:Yeah and a similar thing happened after the authorities realised brain dead drop-kicks were racing through the Harbour Tunnel at 200kmh.

On that scale I'd say there must be plenty of brain dead drop-kicks around here PAH. Don't you feel even slightly conflicted being disappointed with racer boys ripping up a two lane, one-way, perfectly straight, freshly laid tunnel under the most famous harbour in the world, in the middle of the night, when you choose to ride around on a death trap motorbike that can go from 0-100 in around 3 seconds and power up wheelies in 2nd? :P 8)

Tim. A recent news story showed bike riders speeding past speed cameras whilst covering their rego plates. Bad idea. We don't have to be rocket scientists to figure out that the authorities HATE having their authority challenged. Because drop-kicks have done exactly that, we now face bike confiscation for certain speeds. Happy with that law change?? Not me. Bike confiscation for loss of traction. Happy with that new law? Heavy policing of a favourite piece of twisty road because the cops have figured out that riders are 100 - 150 kmh over the limit not just 15 - 20kmh. A little bit of discretion goes a long way. What do you think the cops will do if we flash past forward facing speed cameras because we know the camera can't snap our rear facing rego plates? It's not hard to guess.

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