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Re: Life + Death

Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:29 pm

Strika wrote:CAT LOVERS WARNING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DO NOT READ THIS POST.

I kill Cats regularly. Probably killed 6 or 7 in the last year. I will continue to kill EVERY SINGLE CAT I SEE in any of the state forests or private property which I hunt on. I also kill dogs. Taken a couple of those in the last year as well. Same thing, wild dog in a state forest, gone if I can get a shot at it. They should not be there. I'm just doing my small part.

And before you ask... yes, you can eat them. Taste like shit but!! :)

So its not just goats who get nervous when Marty,s ouzo,d up :D :D All Wildlife Beware !!

Re: Life + Death

Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:54 pm

..one less future feral in my opnion

one meal for the goanna :kuda:

Re: Life + Death

Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:59 pm

bonester wrote:......I had a client a while ago, who was a lesbian tell me she had recently broken her wrist. I casually asked how- she said she broke it fisting her girlfriend. I pissed myself laughing. Dunno if that was the right response. Gotta watch those pussies! :shock:.......

hahaahahaah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: fuck me that is an early contender for Post of the Year !!

10/10 Tony :kuda:

Re: Life + Death

Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:11 pm

Image is only disturbing because it's a kitten I think and most people love kittens, that being said, doesn't take long for feral kitten to become feral cat and a massive menace to wildlife. Once knew a bloke who rode a pushbike around Australia, sent me a photo of a pussy willow, basically a tree with a shitload of feral cats hanging out of it :)

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:35 am

Strika wrote:And before you ask... yes, you can eat them. Taste like shit but!! :)

I'm just curious, how do you know what shit tastes like?? I've never tried it myself but if you say it's good I might give it a go. Do you need wine with it if so red or white? Or perhaps a shot of Jim Beam???

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:20 am

oldman wrote:
Strika wrote:And before you ask... yes, you can eat them. Taste like shit but!! :)

I'm just curious, how do you know what shit tastes like?? I've never tried it myself but if you say it's good I might give it a go. Do you need wine with it if so red or white? Or perhaps a shot of Jim Beam???

Not what I heard. I heard you've been eating Shit most your life.......... :)

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:56 am

Strika wrote:
oldman wrote:
Strika wrote:And before you ask... yes, you can eat them. Taste like shit but!! :)

I'm just curious, how do you know what shit tastes like?? I've never tried it myself but if you say it's good I might give it a go. Do you need wine with it if so red or white? Or perhaps a shot of Jim Beam???

Not what I heard. I heard you've been eating Shit most your life.......... :)

Or drinking it, I heard its called Jim Beam over there ;)

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:10 am

Reptiles 2 - Rodent 0 :kuda: :kuda:

We have a small rabbit problem at the "Vinyard" the fuckers have set up camp under our verandah :x :x :x

The other weekend I heard a noise and as I spun around I seen this 6 footer had ambushed a full grown rabbit from the back lawn near the garden. :twisted: :twisted:

Done bloody well to get close enough I say. :kuda:

BTW he a had a 3 foot mate up the tree waiting for him to return with breakfast :D

Joanna 1.jpg
Joanna the Goanna ( see "The Rescuers")
Joanna 1.jpg (177.57 KiB) Viewed 5631 times
Joanna.jpg (215.54 KiB) Viewed 5631 times

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:37 am

...hungry buggers
them goannas :twisted:

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:09 pm

Awesome! One of my pet hates (if that isn't a misleading term) is so-called nature-lovers (I didn't say "animal lovers" because I didn't want Wattie to get too excited) who live under the lah-lah cloud that 'mother nature' is a warm and fuzzy thing. Make no mistake, 'mother nature' can be a bitch!

Christmas 2011 I took my Ozzie girlfriend to South Africa to visit family and show her around (the good stuff anyway) the old country. We spent a few days in a super private reserve in the Kruger Park. We were very lucky (pats self on back) to spot a Gnu (known locally as a 'Blue Wildebeest') calving. It was awesome, birthing, first steps the lot. Niari named it "New Gnu".

The next night we were equally lucky to find a leopard kill. And over the next 48 hours watched in stages the leopard consume the entire thing - you guessed it - a baby Wildebeest. Niari had to come up with the addition: "New Gnu is leopard poo!"

Sometimes the circle of life is rather small.

THAT is nature...


bonester wrote:... broke it fisting her girlfriend ...

I hate it when that happens!


Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:00 pm

bonester wrote:
yeah, seen them lesbian restaurants. they often have no windows.
because imagine the traffic chaos that it would cause, as passers by strain to see diners eat some pussy?

I had a client a while ago, who was a lesbian tell me she had recently broken her wrist. I casually asked how- she said she broke it fisting her girlfriend.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That girl has to settle down a little and stop trying to rip her girlfriends tonsils out the hard way

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:48 pm

Thats awesome Rusty :kuda:

Re: Life + Death

Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:02 pm

Strika wrote:Not what I heard. I heard you've been eating Shit most your life.......... :)

I've been caught, I also bark at girls and howl at the moon. I thought because I was so far away, (the U.S. of idiots) you wouldn't find out. Damn!

Re: Life + Death

Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:14 pm

oldman wrote:
Strika wrote:Not what I heard. I heard you've been eating Shit most your life.......... :)

I've been caught, I also bark at girls and howl at the moon. I thought because I was so far away, (the U.S. of idiots) you wouldn't find out. Damn!

You gave it up in that bourbon fuelled post of 2009 oldman....... :)
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