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Re: Up your date

Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:17 pm

Glad to hear things have turned the corner and are now heading in the right direction.

Hang in there, you're doing a remarkable job!

Re: Up your date

Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:25 pm

Good to hear from you mate and glad things are on the up (sort of anyway). Bad news about Zsa Zsa and Astro but it looks like they got through it OK.

Do you still have a mobile? I changed jobs and fcuked up all my old contacts. If you do PM me your number, I'll shoot my new one through as well.

As always mate if you need anything just yell.

Re: Up your date

Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:46 pm

Strika wrote:I have set a goal. Which is to make the WSBK at the island in Feb 2014. I probably won't be riding down as I don't have a bike and also healthwise, I think that might be optimistic, but at least get down there to watch the racing Sunday at worse. :smile:

Supers..hmm. Might have to hold you to that, even if I have to come and get you. :D

Re: Up your date

Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:25 pm

slaps999 wrote:
Strika wrote:I have set a goal. Which is to make the WSBK at the island in Feb 2014. I probably won't be riding down as I don't have a bike and also healthwise, I think that might be optimistic, but at least get down there to watch the racing Sunday at worse. :smile:

Supers..hmm. Might have to hold you to that, even if I have to come and get you. :D

see you at the Supers Marty... :kuda:

Re: Up your date

Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:44 pm

Great to hear your typing Marty. :)

Re: Up your date

Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:19 pm

Johnnie5 wrote:hope you are keeping well

get some good advice re bankrupcy as it can really screw you over

afaik the ato debt doesnt get wiped with the bankrupcy but as above get some good advice before proceeding

Already filed. Did my due diligence, got legal advice and it does wipe tax debt. Thanks for looking out for me though, appreciate it. :) I wasn't left with any choice. :(

Re: Up your date

Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:40 am

Good to see you back on here mate and hoping you can keep getting all the shitty stuff sorted so you can get back to a bit more normal life.

Re: Up your date

Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:35 pm

Strika wrote:.......I have set a goal. Which is to make the WSBK at the island in Feb 2014. I probably won't be riding down as I don't have a bike and also healthwise, I think that might be optimistic, but at least get down there to watch the racing Sunday at worse. :smile:.......

great to see you back here and things starting to look up a bit.....

heh you might not have a bike but we have pillion seats !! could work something out I am sure mate :kuda:

Re: Up your date

Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:08 pm

Gosling1 wrote:
Strika wrote:.......I have set a goal. Which is to make the WSBK at the island in Feb 2014. I probably won't be riding down as I don't have a bike and also healthwise, I think that might be optimistic, but at least get down there to watch the racing Sunday at worse. :smile:.......

great to see you back here and things starting to look up a bit.....

heh you might not have a bike but we have pillion seats !! could work something out I am sure mate :kuda:

I've had my knee down being a pillion on an FZR1000 going up Licola rd in about 1994. Sounds embellished, but it happened.... :)
But Gos, if I am well enough to jump on as a pillion, I'd be well enough to do Hotham one handed again........ ;)

There's a few blokes who have offered the loan of a bike as soon as I am fit enough. So trust me, once I'm well, ill be back out there.

And a quick thanks to my mate Dan for typing these posts. Otherwise....they would be unreadable...... I'm still on the La La pills........:cool:

Re: Up your date

Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:12 pm

How's poor little Zsa Zsa doing? I bet that was scary :(

Re: Up your date

Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:36 pm

Cath wrote:How's poor little Zsa Zsa doing? I bet that was scary :(

Thanks Cath. Had me worried she did, I thought I'd lost her. Fucking kangaroo really did a number on her. The entry wound was 4 inches long and 3 inches wide but ut was 12 inches under the skin. Went from her chest to her gut. Luckily it didn't pierce the gut lining. So lots of stitches a drain and a few weeks light duties. Had the stitches out on Wednesday. She was a brave girl all throughout and just allowed me and the vet to do what was needed. Vet was great and allowed me in while we did the surgery.

Needless to say, rogue male kangaroos will be shot on sight henceforth. Under a primary producer cull permit of course. I had one have a go at me while out walking recently so they are aggressive at the moment.

Re: Up your date

Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:45 am

Hi Marty, it's been ages!.

I do ask about you. Just read the the whole thread. Life certainly has a way of putting things in perspective. I have no doubt your whole "adventure" has made you an even stronger spirit.. even with the biggest challenges its amazing how much fight we have when backed into a corner. Getting back to basics is a shock to the system, but I don't think is a negative thing, actually more people would benefit from it these days IMO.

The bank /Tax stuff will be a load off your mind now and help clean the slate for your next chapter.

I have no doubt you will achieve your goals. I hope to catch you at the suppers, be so great to catch ip with you again!
Snuggles for the furries from me xx

PS great to hear both Astro+Zsa Zsa are on the mend, my basil got attacked my a miniature horse! All Bas wanted to fo was play with the big ball in its paddock, poor girl didnt see it coming. Rocky wasnt there to look out for her. Shes a flight dog generally, but just curled up on the ground. I was beside myself when I found out. Seriously thinking of moving them in with me.even if It means I have to move again.

Cheers Poss

Re: Up your date

Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:25 pm

Losing the odd battle but I think you're winning the war Marty, slowly but surely, chin up mate, need a hand with anything i'm in Kilmore, just around the corner.

Re: Up your date

Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:16 pm

Chin up ol' mate. We'll see you at the super dupers.

Re: Up your date

Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:39 pm

mick_dundee wrote:Losing the odd battle but I think you're winning the war Marty, slowly but surely, chin up mate, need a hand with anything i'm in Kilmore, just around the corner.

Come over when you get the DL and we can get it set up for you.
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