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Re: sprint training

Thu Sep 11, 2014 12:46 pm

Calling Nelso. ...... he's your man.

Although my personal perspective is also with Rob. It does seem like an awful lot.

Especially with the plyometric training too. I was always of the thought process whilst going hard on plyometrics that you don't do other leg stuff.

But again I'm just a weekend warrior. We need Nelso.....

Re: sprint training

Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:54 pm

Soooo, yesterday I went to Armidale to do training under a coach. The coach knows his shit after id looked at this results.
We did 4 x 450m. 300m @ 55 seconds then kick for the last 150m. I now remember from my road cycling days what
lactic acid feels like. He also corrected my stride to make me more efficient. I was pretty excited by it all.
The 200m runner they had was an animal. He ran 5 x 250m @ 30 seconds each. He strides and bend runs like the top guys.
I had a ball and will be back next week.
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