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Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Wed May 07, 2014 6:20 pm

I just wanted to send out a massive thank you to two long term KSRC members who recently went out of their way to help me.

First up, Tinman. Tinny came down for a bit of a break and holiday at my place. I was unfortunately not the greatest of hosts and ended up in hospital. Without even having to ask, Tinny immediately took up the responsibility of looking after Astro and Zsa Zsa. If you have met these two, you would understand what hard work that can be. He also looked after my place as well. In addition, my phone ran out of credit and without telling me, he goes and recharges it. So thanks mate, I really appreciated everything you did.

Now to Laidback. As soon as he found out what had happened, I get a text message saying I'm coming down to look after your pups. He literally downed tools, packed his car, chucked Ralfie in and was here in 5 hours. So A 5 hour drive ....each way...to help me. He then looked after the pups like they were his own, even letting them sleep with him like they do with me. Laidback then offered to stay for a few days when I got out of hospital to make sure I was going to be able to look after myself. A mighty big effort. 10 hours driving and a lot of work looking after the pups first and then me for a few days when I got home. I am immensely grateful to you John. It was such a comfort knowing there was someone I know, love and trust, looking after my furry kids. They miss you and Zsa Zsa misses her little boyfriend. :)

I wanted to thank these guys publicly even though I have done so several times face to face and over the phone and SMS. I wanted to share with some of the newer members how strong the KSRC family is. As well as these two guys, I have had offers of help from lots of people, Glen and Dave3 in particular. So thank you to all of you, your support and encouragement has been uplifting. For the first time in the three years of this illness, the theft of my car tipped me over the edge and I was pretty grumpy. Your messages, calls and emails have kept me feeling somewhat positive.


Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Wed May 07, 2014 6:36 pm

Great to hear and it is also great to see that there is people out there that still care know days as it is starting to become a rare event. Thumbs up to those who helped you and hope you get well soon :kuda: :kuda:

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Wed May 07, 2014 9:46 pm

Stick in there mate. As i said anyhting you need give us a yell and we'll sort it.

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Wed May 07, 2014 11:53 pm

Top work guys :)

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 8:54 am

Well done fellas!

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 12:55 pm

At Glens age he'd want to start being nice to people .... Judgement day is coming :lol:
Well done guys and all the best Marty

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 2:07 pm

You're right Paul. After selling you that dog of a bike with all it's problems that your now trying to hive off to some other poor sucker I'm trying to become a better person............

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 2:08 pm

just kidding folks, Pauls bike is really good.....not so much the current owner :P

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 4:32 pm


Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 6:16 pm

Haha Glen 1 Paul 0. Well done guys, and all the best Marty!

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Thu May 08, 2014 7:21 pm

Keep at it guys.....this thread is turning Into a pisser..... :)

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Sat May 10, 2014 7:00 pm

Yet another example of the spirit of this forum in action was seen today. Johnnymac took the day to go to Ferntree Gully, climb the mountain up to the shed, load some more of my furniture into his trailer, including a nice slide down the side of the mountain and a trip home to change......... I now have what looks more like a home, than an empty shell of a house.

Johnnymac........a big thank you to you and Meeks. meeks spent several hours doing some of the chores around the house that I have been unable to get to. So thankyou to meeks as well for her efforts. It's made a huge difference to the quality of my life and the ease of living in this house. 8) Oh....and she is not a bad shot with a gun either!!!!! :shock:

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Sat May 10, 2014 7:06 pm

Great stuff Jonnymac. Big ups to Meeks. If she spent some time with you y'oldcahn she must be a legend :P

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Sat May 10, 2014 9:15 pm

... all I can say is

Re: Thank you. The spirit of KSRC alive and well

Sun May 11, 2014 8:29 am

I have only met a couple of members but have followed some of the stories on this site for a little while now. Some arguments have been funny as and just crack me up :lol: Other stories, like yours Marty, really show that you all help each other out heaps when you can. The generosity on here is overwhelming. Keep it up :kuda:
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