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Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:03 pm

Possum wrote:Congrats guys, obviously different things are wrking for everyone. Very inspirational none the less.

Laidback if cutting milk and bread out totally is too hard, try gluten free bread or a nut milk. I have found that having alternatives like gluten free pasta in the cubboard doesnt make me want it. But is a better choice if I do

Great weather is here to trying to get more active.Gym monday.. time to start smashing it

Indeed and I found this very interesting. Perhaps mostly genetic & adherence?

- My wife is at her ideal BMI after we first met 20yrs ago. No restrictions/exercise. Even after 2 kids!
- I tried calorie restriction => hungry & resulting binge
- Specific, 'healthy' diet like only tuna etc. => craving, drove me mad but I lost 3 steady kilos
- High intensity training, cycle to work, etc (20km) => no result

Fasting is what's currently working as per chart above. You could see it tapers off/plateau though. The beauty is I eat like a pig on my Feast days :twisted:

In the end I think it's a simple Calories in vs. Calories out and how long the balance can be maintained.

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:04 pm

By that chart at 175cm my 'normal' weight would be high 50s to high 60s????

Seems I need to loose 50%... :shock:

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:08 pm

I think the correct number is 75kg, before you become overweight...

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:35 pm

robracer wrote:Nelso Im 5'9" which is 180cm on the nose ;)

I hate to break it to you, mate but 5'9" = 175.26cm

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:48 pm

Don't pay too much attention to bmi guys.
don't disregard it especially if your not active. It has its place but its not something to hang your hat on.

Although if you have a high muscle mass you can disregard it.
I'm borderline obese according to bmi. I can assure you that I'm not even remotely close to being obese.

Better option is finding out body fat percentage and also full bloods to check for everything else. I've got a mate who is super skinny but just eats crap. Had a heart attack before he was 40...

Problem is men carry their weight in bad spots. Around the gut and internal organs.
Women around their buts and hips. Still not good but better....

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:13 am

Yep! That's why I had the DEXA exam done... it shows your body composition and it tells you a LOT more than your BMI ever will. It broke down my weight in bone mass, organs, muscles, fat and etc... and it even showed where the fat was (funnily enough my highest percentage was on my calves!! :shock: )

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:09 pm

Javaman be careful with your fast then binge.
You may not even be able to maintain your weight once you stop doing it.
You do need a treat day.....notice treat not cheat.....

Treat yourself for being good, it also lets your body no it doesn't need to reset your body system to only getting your restricted calorie intake.
You should never spend days hungry its not great for your body. After you stop doing it your body will again start to store fat "just in case"

It is quite easy to feel satisfied not bloated eating healthy food and strip the weight off as well. And healthy food does not mean bland that you dislike eating it is possible to have amazing tasty food that's good for you.
Taste buds take less than a month to reset.

Be aware our bodies are designed to hold onto food if we are not regularly feeding it.

Make sure you have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
If you've spend years not eating breaky and now your starting to be healthy and eat good food regularly your body might take 12mths to adjust to the fact it now knows it will be refueled in 4hrs!
Which will mean it will stop holding onto it and start disposing of it.
AND forget about fat being the worst thing in your food, worry about the sugar content. Sugar is a much bigger problem.

Don't buy the fat free yoghurt its got sooooo much sugar in it you may as well have fairy floss.
Purchase pot set plain Greek yoghurt and add some berries to it.

Hmmm that was a longer post than I intended lol

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:07 pm

Thanks. I've tried all the 'healthy things' before. My body is just genetically 'too efficient' :lol:

Just to let you know the first time my doctor told me to lose weight was in 2004 (!).

I'm fasting 3 days in a week just to get to my ideal BMI (68kg) late next year. Then I will fast 2 days only just to maintain.

I'm aware that BMI is not accurate for people with good muscle build. I wish I have that 'problem' :oops:

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:16 pm

EDU wrote:
robracer wrote:Nelso Im 5'9" which is 180cm on the nose ;)

I hate to break it to you, mate but 5'9" = 175.26cm

What I used.......never trust the intranets FFS .... yes I am 5'11" so Nelso looks like I have more weight to loose :lol:

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:58 pm

hahaha all good! I almost did the exact same mistake as I'm 179

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:37 pm

I'm only 182cm tall. How are all you little people almost my height? dontknow.gif :lol:

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:47 pm

What do you mean, little people?! hahahaha I'm taller than Tom Cruise!!!

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:10 pm

EDU wrote:What do you mean, little people?! hahahaha I'm taller than Tom Cruise!!!

Yeh but my six year old is taller than Tom Cruise..........

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:06 pm

Woo hoo another 700g down this week
This week im up to 40min walk to work... building up :)

Re: Shrinking Leathers 2012 - 2013

Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:26 pm

Well done pos, consistency is the key. Keep it up :)
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