GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Sun Jul 08, 2018 1:58 pm

I just went by the model numbers, the bikes the packet referred to was (80-81) GS 1000GT/GX/GLT/GLX.

Wemoto only had the GX model in it's parts listing, the others don't even exist in their listings.

Maybe this will help:

Seems difficult to find any info on that particular model. Good luck.
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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby pkay » Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:16 pm

I think I missed the part where we went from Kawasaki to Suzuki? Are the parts cross compatible?
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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:04 pm

Yes they are.
The full listing on the packet is as follows:

(81-83) CB1100RB/RC/RD - (presumably Honda)
(1983) XVZ12TK - (Yamaha?)
(80-83) KZ750H1-H4 - (got to be Kawasaki)
(80-81) GS1000GTGT/GX/GLT/GLX - (I assume that's Suzuki)

When I was searching for the part I entered the size of the brush and waded through what came up and looked at the pictures as well. The other info came off the packaging and the eBay page said it was for a GPZ 1100.
Link to the particular page:

Link to the part from Wemoto: ... bon_brush/

Put the sleeves in for pricing today including the swing arm sleeve, should hear tomorrow what the deal is.
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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:00 pm

Okay, another update.

Have blasted my frame and major associated parts, etch primed and painted the frame this morning with auto enamel. Have to wait for that to cure before finishing it off.

Got the unitrack bearing sleeves made by a guy that does stuff for our work. He made them out of stainless and charged me nothing! I was impressed, quite nice of him.
Megazip site showed the grommets that mount on these to hold the grease seals, but they are also NLA, so I'll go back to the machinist to get them made as well. I've got enough left of the old parts for him to work out how they're made. I doubt these will be free this time, but we'll see. The megazip website shows available parts, but as I have since learned, it is not always completely up to date - so be aware of that. AND... don't delay if you really need them. Someone may buy the last ones from under you.

Have also discovered Deox, a gentle rust remover, good on stainless as well. My front disc cleaned up really well plus my battery tray too.
Have also since discovered that Deox is basically citric acid, so if I need any more, I'll check it out. Deox is pretty expensive stuff. Citric acid is not.

I have revised my decision to restore to original condition, looking like I'll never get it back on the road if I do. I'll try to go close, but not get too carried away with it.
The colour scheme I want to go with is all gloss black with a few red pinstripes, partially red rims and aim for gold anodised look front fork bottoms. At the moment, they have been done in black satin finished with clear and the sheen is unbelievable. So I'll stick with that for now until I make some decisions later....

Will post some photos later..
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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:10 am

Updating with photos:

Frame, before...


Just after sandblasting...






Indicator, before...


Indicator, restored finish. No, it's not painted, just a restored natural finish.

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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby BrettZZR » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:31 am

Awesome work! Keep 'em coming!

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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby DJC72 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:04 pm

Nice work.

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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:03 pm

Finally got the parts for my Unistrut knuckle made up.

The 3 sleeves to go in the knuckle along with the metal grommets to hold the dust seals over the spherical bearing. These parts are no longer available, so had to get them made using the old damaged bits as a guide.
Sleeves were straightforward, the parts list gave all the details, but the grommets took some figuring out. That and it took the machinist about a month to get around to it.

Now I can start putting the frame together! Been stuck with work and getting some major servicing work on one of my cars, but that's done. Just have to clear up the mess and get started.
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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:53 pm

Laying everything out before assembling the Unistrut knuckle. Misplaced one of the sleeves, so used the old one to serve as a place holder for the pic and found the new one afterwards.


Took a while to assemble it. Done now.
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Re: GPZ 750 1984 restoration project

Postby The_Fixer » Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:57 pm

Anyone know where I can get either an overhaul kit or a new rear master cylinder for these bikes?
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